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Madison Metropolitan School District

Southside Naming Proposals Accepted Now Through April 30

Southside Naming Proposals Accepted Now Through April 30

The MMSD Board of Education has restarted the naming process for Southside Elementary. The school has temporarily been called “Southside” as a placeholder until a permanent name is chosen.

The naming process for Southside Elementary began last winter while the school was still under construction. There was a 30-day period for the public to submit naming proposals. However, the Board decided to pause the work of naming the new school due to superintendent transitions.

With the Board hiring Dr. Joe Gothard as MMSD’s new superintendent, the naming process will resume. Anyone is invited to submit a proposal to name the school. Proposals can be submitted online at now through April 30, 2024 at 10 p.m. Previously submitted proposals do not need to be resubmitted. 

Later in May, the Board will establish a 12-member ad hoc Citizens Naming Committee, composed of community members.